Hi, I’m Erica
…trying to stay grounded and keep growing through the practice of gardening.
I am:
… kind of a late bloomer, and I’m cool with that. I was 35 before I really felt like I found my tribe, and my element. But I think having to wait a little longer for that sweet spot has made me all the more grateful, and less willing to waste time with business that ain’t mine.
… living with R.A. (Rheumatoid Arthritis). I was diagnosed in the spring of 2019, and it was the biggest relief to finally have an explanation for the pain, and mobility issues I was clearly too young to be struggling with. It has changed the way I work; but also forced me to be more creative, to value rest, and accept more help… which are not things that come easily to me.
… probably a gardener because I love nature, and food equally. I also think it’s also a healthy outlet for those of us with… let’s call it, “an affection for order”. Seriously? Nothing will cure perfectionism like a garden. You’ll either go mad trying to force your vision, or give in to the nature of nature, and enjoy the journey.
… a wife, and partner to my best friend (est. 2008), a mother to three amazing boys, caretaker to one brown dog named Rooster, five fluffy hens, and a steward of a little more than one mostly wooded acre.
Yellow Swing is:
...a gardening journal, snapshots of our family’s sustainable living journey, and a few recipes here and there. I used to think that I needed to be an expert (cook, environmentalist, gardener) before I had any valuable insight to offer. But I’ve learned that like any other craft, the best lessons come through process and practice. So just think of it like chatting with an enthusiastic friend vs. an exhaustive resource.
...a celebration of seasonal living – and I mean that in the literal, and metaphoric sense. To me, seasonal living is enjoying ingredients at the peak of their flavor, and regional availability. It’s connecting our pace of living to the patterns we see in nature - winter’s dormancy, summer’s activity, and the transitions in between. There’s a season for everything; so let’s embrace it.
...a tribute to the people, and places that have made me. This is a product of generations of knowledge, guidance, and faith that were instilled in me by a strong family. Their passion for nature, learning, and resourcefulness have been invaluable gifts. I carry them with me, by sharing them with you.
I’m so glad you’re here. Stay grounded and keep growing. –Erica